SRCSM Apparel stands for "sarcastic" clothing…
We are an independent brand that shares a common dream with other clothing brands. In fact, it is the same dream that every brand in fashion shares – to make you look great. However, every brand chooses a different path to make you look great. Our goal is to create a brand which lighten up people’s day and remind them that life is too short to be anything else than happy.
Are you the kind of person who likes to make sarcastic jokes that no one gets? Do you like to read and share sarcastic thoughts on social media? Well, then we have the perfect products for you. It's about not taking life too serious and laugh about silly things. A way to look fantastic and being funny without try to. (What I'm getting at here is, who puts on a t-shirt and doesn't try to look good in them? I know I do!)
Did you know that wearing sarcastic clothing will make your day instantly better? We're not just talking about a small increase in happiness, but a drastic improvement in your psyche.We are grateful for each and every one of you who support us on this journey. We couldn't do this without you.
– SRCSM Apparel